With Sophie Blommé,

Nathalie Lentini

and LFT Alumni

We pay tribute to Madagascar with music, dance, malagasy foods and friends, in Geneva. It's a great pleasure to nominate Sophie Blommé and Nathalie Lentini as our Ambassadors in Switzerland.

On that day, Sophie Blommé, who loves Madagascar, celebrated her life's milestones with style and gathered her childhood friends from the LFT Lycee Français of AnTananarivo. They celebrated their 50 years old all together and volunteered all along the party.

The fund raised will go to finance our children's school fees for 2017-2018.  I'm grateful to the Blommé Family, the Lentini Family,  donors and all the volunteers for being so generous. Well done Switzerland !

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jackie Sutter

26 June 2017